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Join Us Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - A Virtual Excursion to the Polynesian Islands!

Our virtual excursions are A Little Help's take on the food and travel segment from the Today Show or Good Morning America.  
We introduce you to places around the globe with a brief introduction on where we are going and what makes it special.  Then the fun begins...

Rick Smith, a past chef and restaurant owner, now A Little Help Western Slope Coordinator walks you through a dish or two that is known in that area or uses ingredients indigent to the area.  His mother Marilyn is his sous chef! 
Intermixed in it all is the delightful and funny Maria, Rick's daughter, who teaches us the best way to make a good cocktail or two (nonalcoholic also included) from the area as well. 

The virtual excursion starts at 4:30 so you can join in after work and before meal time, in the hopes that you will join in the cooking experience so you too will have a delicious meal that evening.  We send ingredients for both drinks and food prior. 

Sign Up Today to Get the Date on Your Calendar

That whole area between New Zealand and Hawaii consists of about 1,000 islands – most prominently Cook Islands, French Polynesia, American Samoa, Easter Island and Tonga. They have a really vibrant cuisine with strong French and Chinese influences. Obviously, fruit plays a big role in their food. Polynesian food tends to be served roasted, sauteed or raw in small quantities so, if you allocate more time, we could do a small dish (maybe appetizer) from French Polynesia, one from American Samoa and one from Easter Island with paired cocktails.

"The armchair trip or excursion was terrific and rewarding in many ways as it was my first webinar with "A Little Help" be rewarded in this way at the beginning of our new ways and new days...introducing new recipes and drinks to accompany special homemade meals, it was like winning "Wheel of Fortune" from my armchair thank you for the indoor "outing""

September 28th, 2022 4:30 PM through  5:30 PM
2755 S. Locust Street
Suite 220
Denver, CO 80222-80222
United States
Phone: +1 720-242-9032